Look projects by technical categories:
- Projects on Python;
- Projects on PostgreSQL;
- Projects on Laravel;
- Projects on Symfony;
- Projects on Yii Framework;
- Projects on Zend Framework;
- Projects on Bitrix;
- Projects on CS-Cart;
- Projects on PrestaShop;
- Projects on WordPress;
- Projects on Joomla;
- Projects are using Sphinx or Xapian;
- Projects are using API;
- Projects with PHPUnit tests;
- Team projects are using Git or SVN;
- Projects are using Twitter Bootstrap;
- Projects with payment integration: CloudPayments, Payselection, PayPal, Robokassa, QIWI, Kazkom;
- Projects with Linux servers configuration (VPS or dedicated);
- Highload projects;
- Projects are using Assembler;
All projects use PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML & CSS if not specify other.
Look projects by work scale:
- Big complex projects;
- Complex projects;
- Projects with big modifications;
- Others projects it's modifications of medium scale;
Look projects by subjects:
- Social networks;
- Vehicles projects;
- News sites;
- E-shops;
- The rest projects by various subjects;