Trainer for ROM "FIFA 98 Road to the World Cup" (Sega Genesis). Kega Fusion 3.64 emulator.
Ctrl+num1: Add 1 goal to myself;
Ctrl+num0: Take 1 goal from opponent;
Score a goal:
Ctrl+num-: In a top goal;
Ctrl+num+: In a bottom goal;
Ctrl+num2: Always maximum shoot strength;
Ctrl+num3: Players always shooting;
Ctrl+num.: Disable 3 paces rule for goalkeeper;
Line up teams for rest:
Ctrl+num/: Bottom team;
Ctrl+num*: Top team;
Super shoot:
Ctrl+num4: Enabled;
Ctrl+num5: Use low ball hook;
Ctrl+num6: Use ball dash;
Ctrl+num7: Use low ball hook and ball dash;
Ctrl+num8: Use vertical ball hook;
Ctrl+num9: Use vertical ball hook and low ball hook;